Pelicans of India

                     PELICANS OF INDIA

Pelicans are large water birds and no one can miss these birds even if they are non-birders. Their beaks are so huge and the pouches are well adapted to catch and swallow fish. The pouches help them to filter the fish. They are one of the heaviest flying birds. There are three pelican species in India. 

1. Great White Pelican
2. Dalmatian Pelican
3. Spot-billed Pelican

Pelicans of India

In South India, Spot-billed Pelicans can be seen but their numbers had reduced drastically. We saw Great White and Dalmatian Pelicans in Gujarat. Great white pelicans are distributed across many continents and Dalmatian pelicans can be seen in Europe. Dalmatian Pelicans are the largest of the 3 species.

All three pelicans are suffering from habitat destruction, reduction in fishes, nesting places and conflicts with humans. Here is a video and facts about these Pelicans.
