Baby Birds
Baby Birds Baby birds are fun to watch and they grow up so fastly. So only if we are in the right place at the right moment, we could witness these beautiful chicks. Parent birds are always very protective of the chicks, so they hide them well from all sorts of predators. The chicks are also very well camouflaged, so spotting them is always tough. Few bird species are "Nidifugous" and leave the nest immediately after fledging. They follow their parents and start feeding themselves. This reduces great amount of workload of parents, so they can grow their chicks in a better way. We saw chicks of Eurasian Coot, ducklings of Spot-billed ducks and Lesser Whistling Duck in Kolarampathy Lake, Coimbatore. With the latest lake beautification project in Coimbatore, all the lakes are converted to water tanks. Because they were removing all the shrubs around t...